This video on Puck Daddy is fantastic. Hockey fans are different. 'Nuff said.
Between this guy being signed and snagging Malhotra for pennies (700K reported to be the deal) Doug Wilson has gone from a weak GM to the best GM ever once again in the mind of some fans. I think the 180 is pretty funny, personally. Similar to the one that happened when Heatley became a Shark. I can't decide if this means that we're a fickle, or accepting, lot.
Kinda of a bummer of a preseason. 2 wins and 3 losses, including one in OT where the Sharks had the lead going into the 3rd.Not to sure if that really means anything though. And as Mina likes to remind me, the year the Sharks were beasts in the preseason they started the season with like 10 losses.
This image may not have brought luck during the playoffs, but I like it just the same. It also summarizes my feeling towards the Ducks quite well.

Go Sharks.
I just got home from the Tank and man, was that an awesomely fun pre-season game! HAT TRICK FOR DOUGLAS MURRAY! And I had brought a hockey virgin to the game who is now a frothing at the mouth Sharks convert.
The only thing better would be Daniel Craig riding a unicorn that has red velvet cupcakes impaled on its horn, surrounded by puppies.
The only thing better would be Daniel Craig riding a unicorn that has red velvet cupcakes impaled on its horn, surrounded by puppies.
this is one of the greatest quotes I have ever read.
Glad you think so, my coworker who was at the game with me gave me a VERY funny look when I came up with the prototype comment on the spot.
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