Even from the back, Drew and Randy are the best looking announcing crew in hockey.

I don't know what everyone else is thinking. Patty totally has a little captain in him.

If he makes the team, Not Kyle McLaren could be in the running to be a favorite of mine. I love guys with a mouse under their eye in their official photo. See also: Mitchell, Torrey.

It was nice to see Joe having a super fun time. I dig the crazy Jack-Nicolson-in-The-Shining smile.

This was the best Griess looked all night: leaving the ice for a delayed penalty. /rimshot

Staubitz looked particularly pleased at the ovation he got during the intros. Two words: Jordan Tootoo. hee

My favorite part about looking at hockey photos is the awkward expressions on everyone's faces. Doug Murray = GOAL SCORER (and awkward)

MOAR AWKWARD Dandenault style.

MCGINN! I <3 YOU!! If he makes the team, I'm seriously considering a McGinn jersey. How can you not love that face?

Dude! When did Dan Boyle get sooo old. I mean I know some of these guys are young, but srsly.

This one is for you TCY. My favorite thing about Sexsmith is how he leaned against the goal all pimpstyle when the puck was in the other end.


See look guy, we can have a Holmstrom too. Crashing the net: Staubitz style.

Run Short, Fat, Russian, Run! Don't let the zebra beat you!

Dear god, these kids are so little. I think I saw Not Not Graham Mink in my econ class last week.

AfroPuff, I love you but Joslin is starting to freak me out a little. That unfocused stare is just weird.

LOL Rob Blake looks like Popeye here! *insert old guy joke here*
The rest of the pictures can be found here.
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