Hello there, it's Afropuff, your newest tart blogger! Mina & Gray have been pressuring me to add to their already wonderful blog but I figured I should wait until after the playoffs. Before we start cheering, crying, and cussing at the Sharks together, I thought I'd let you know a few things about me:
- I love the Sharks…but I haven't always. gasp I fell in love with hockey while I was in college (in Baltimore), so the closest NHL team was the Washington Capitals. It didn’t hurt that they were absolutely amazing that year. That was back when they had Oates, Bondra, Gonchar , Kolzig, etc. They went to the Stanley Cup finals that year (we don't need to discuss the ending of that story) and hockey has been an important element of my life ever since
- I played 2 seasons as a goalie in the NCWHL (if you are a female interested in playing ice hockey, look them up - they are a great organization. Go here for more info - ncwhl.com) Even though I only played for a couple of years, I continue to feel strongly about that position. For example, I don't believe in chanting the opposing goalies name if he's not doing well because I think it's one of hardest positions to play (mentally, physically & emotionally.)
- I am a woman and a hockey fan. I strongly believe that you can appreciate a hockey player's skill on the ice and think they're cute. You don’t have to be either a hockey fan or a puck bunny – you can be a mixture of both!
- I am a woman of color and a hockey fan. Call it affirmative action, reparations, reverse racism or whatever you wish, but I will always cheer a little harder for Grier, Seto, Cheech, and Joslin. I’ll even cheer for Iginla, Weekes, Brashear…
We have a fun summer ahead of us and I am so excited to be a member of the Couch Tarts family!
*editors note: we're still getting Afro set up, so Gray may be posting her articles until she's fully settled.
woohoo! A new Tart!
Add to your list Sharks Prospect,
Julien Demers
Oh Afropuff!
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