By now, most everyone has probably heard about the 'Yotes. There are a lot of opinions on the subject, but for me (Gray), I'd like to see the 'Yotes stay put. Yes, I know, they were relocated. Yes, I know, Canada doesn't have many teams. Yes, I know, it's the desert. But as a fan of another "non traditional market" team, I really feel compelled to back the 'Yotes here. Mina and I disagree on this, but the 'Yotes have done a lot of good for the sport of hockey in the southwest and I'd hate to see them go. We won't see the dividends until a few years from now, as more and more players start to find their way up from the desert lands. It takes TIME to build these things up. Time seems to be something the Coyotes don't have a lot of.
There are a lot of other factors that go into attendance issues, (like how the rink is bit of a drive from Phoenix and traffic sucks), and I have to think that if this was a playoff caliber team every year (or close to it), no one would think to touch them.
I don't know what's going to happen to their team, their fans, or the league (a move effects ALL 29 other teams. All of them). Only time will tell.
Onto the games for today:

Today @ 4PM
Caps are up two games to none. If you only watch one game today, make it this one.

Today @ 4:30
Series is tied at 1 a piece
Will pig pox strike again?
You summarized my feelings as well. Being in the "nontraditional market," I feel hypocritical advocating a move. I know I'd be devestated to lose the Sharks.
However, the Sharks, nontraditional market or not, have not struggled as much as the Coyotes. As far as I know, they've never had out of the ordinary money troubles. Ownership has been pretty consistent, and fan attendance has been 100% or close to it for 15 years.
Maybe it is time to just let the Coyotes go. They've tried for 10 years, and it just isn't working. How long do you throw money at a losing proposition?
I'm just glad I'm not in league offices right now. No matter what happens, they lose.
It looks like Bettman might be on your side regarding this issue.
Whether that is a blessing or a curse is yet to be seen, but if they do go it will be sad to see.
I'd like to say I miss the 12 easy points, but it seems Phoenix have often tended to gives us a little more trouble than we bargained for.
The Coyotes do have some major problems. That no one can deny. I just hate the thought of seeing yet another fan base lose a team. I think arena location (BFE) and the lack of a winning team have done more damage to Phoenix than simply being in the "sunbelt" ever could.
I don't know what the "right" answer is, ultimately. I'm glad I don't have to make this decision.
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