Sharks logo copyright its respective owners. Couch Tarts does not claim any ownership of the San Jose Sharks logo.
cartoon portion copyright d. hoover 2009
cartoon portion copyright d. hoover 2009
We haven't been posting much, if any, Sharks news lately because there quite frankly hasn't been any. We did have a few players go to worlds, but that was about it.
Tonight, however, we might get some news. Tonight is the annual State of the Sharks crazy get together of madness. The night when the team's President, GM and a few players sit down with a few thousand of their closets friends to be asked some of the most inane questions one could possibly think of. Crazy rants are also entirely the norm. As Richard Bay once said "Where do they find these people?!"
I question my sanity in attending, but I plan to come equipped to be able to not pay attention when it gets rough, and to leave when it gets ridiculous. Mario Kart in hand, I'll suffer through to provide you with some kind of coverage, even if it ends up being "ZOMGUPPLRCRAZY!"
That's the sort of dedication you have come to expect from Couch Tarts.
Working the Corners has an update of sorts on ticket prices. It also has a little bit of info regarding the Sharks financial status.
Post SOTS update:
I REALLY need to remember to bring my smaller sketch book with me thing like this. Today, we resorted to Mario Kart (you're going down next time, Lurker!)
Anyway, I'll have more of a recap tomorrow, but to sum up, some of it was informative, a lot of it was long winded, and people sweat profusely when nervous. More so when they're drunk.
1 comment:
I love your drawings.
They're awesome! (if you didn't realize that haha)
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